The Impact of Total Quality Management on Healthcare Quality in Private Hospitals
Raed Khamees Mohamed Hamdan presented at the Gate Academy celebration:
Global institutions and organizations are facing many renewed challenges in the context of commercial, industrial, and service globalization, and the shift towards market economies within new international frameworks that have contributed to creating a rapidly changing competitive climate. There is a managerial wisdom that says "those who do not progress, regress", meaning that progress is the law of life and it is not easy to achieve. This makes management in any economic entity, whether governmental or private, face managerial situations and problems that require innovative solutions.
Total Quality Management (TQM) is one of the modern management concepts based on a set of ideas and principles that any institution can apply to achieve the best possible performance, improve productivity, increase profits, and enhance its reputation in the local and international markets. With the significant increase in the number of companies and institutions across various fields and activities, it has become imperative for them to work on completing the elements and quality systems to gain global acceptance according to internationally agreed quality standards. Therefore, they can move towards the globalization trend, which only accepts companies distinguished by the quality of their products and services.
Total Quality Management is an integrated approach aimed at comprehensive and continuous development covering all stages and aspects of performance. It constitutes a collective responsibility for senior management, departments, teams, and individuals, seeking to meet the needs and expectations of the client. Its scope includes all operational stages from dealing with suppliers, through operational processes, to dealing with customers in sales and service. Product quality is a fundamental element in competition among institutions. Proper, fast, and effective response to customer needs allows them to achieve satisfaction and thus gain market share. Total Quality Management contributes to improving the level of quality and value provided to customers, aiming to enhance performance and develop marketing skills.
Significance of the Study
This study derives its scientific importance from the necessity of clarifying the concept of Total Quality Management in medical institutions.
The practical importance of the study lies in considering it a source for researchers and students who wish to learn more about the reality of Total Quality Management and could serve as a starting point for researchers and enthusiasts to conduct further research in this field.
The study may reach conclusions that can contribute to providing recommendations and suggestions for those working in the management of medical institutions to maintain and improve the quality of medical services.
Study Objectives
This study aims to:
- Understand the nature of Quality Management.
- Understand the concept of Total Quality Management.
- Understand the impact of Total Quality Management on the quality of healthcare services.
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