The Impact of Global Economic Changes on Work Conditions and Requirements


The Impact of Global Economic Changes on Work Conditions and Requirements

Mohammed bin Abdulwahab bin Mohammed bin Nafisah presented on the impact of global economic changes on work conditions and requirements at the Gate Academy's celebration:


The world is moving towards continuous development, and with keeping pace with the times, various systems witnessed by the world undergo many economic changes as a result of keeping up with the developments and innovations implemented by the world. These changes are among the most important factors affecting the overall structure of different systems worldwide. The world suffers from these changes in the form of economic and financial crises in the current global system.

The world is preparing to face these global changes by establishing economic systems and structures that are adaptable and keeping up with the times. It is evident from history that the world has suffered from many economic and financial crises that have had some effects in various fields, including the requirements of the global market, which is part of the study subject. It is noted that the labor market is easily affected by the current global economic changes, and these effects can be seen in that skills alone are not the main factor in selecting workers, but also their abilities and educational qualifications.

This impact will be addressed through five chapters, with the first chapter covering the general framework, including the introduction, problem statement, research questions, research objectives, methodology, and research significance. The second chapter consists of previous studies, while the third chapter comprises the theoretical framework of the study, and the fourth chapter is the analytical part. The study concludes with the fifth chapter, which discusses the results and recommendations.


Problem Statement and Research Questions

The main problem of this study revolves around answering the main question: "What is the impact of global economic changes on work requirements?"

In the context of the previous considerations, the study seeks to answer several basic questions:

- What is meant by economic crises?

- What is meant by financial crises?

- What are the types of economic crises?

- What are economic indicators?

- What are the most important economic and financial crises experienced by the world?

- What is meant by work?

- What is meant by the labor market?

- What is the employment rate?

- What are the work requirements?

- How do economic changes affect labor market requirements?


Significance of the Study

The importance of any topic lies in two aspects: scientific importance and practical importance, which will be clarified as follows:

- Scientific importance: The scientific importance of this topic lies in studying the impact of global economic changes on work requirements, which contribute to developing methodological skills and capabilities in administrative and strategic studies.

- Practical importance: It lies in the options presented by this study for decision-makers, to benefit from experiences and how to better exploit the impact of global economic changes on work requirements, especially the impact of the global financial crisis in 2008, and utilize it better to achieve the common interests of the whole world.


Study Objectives

This study aims to:

- Define economic changes.

- Define economic and financial crises.

- Identify the types of economic and financial crises.

- Define the most important economic and financial crises experienced by the world.

- Familiarize with economic indicators.

- Define the concept of work.

- Understand the concepts of work requirements.

- How economic changes affect work requirements.


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