agement Information System, and Their Impact on Organizational Performance


agement Information System, and Their Impact on Organizational Performance

Ahmed bin Muhammad bin Ahmed Al-Ghamdi presented his research on the relationship between strategic planning, management information systems, and their impact on organizational performance at the Gate Academy celebration. The following is an overview:

Planning has become a characteristic of contemporary life. Every nation aspiring to a better future adopts planning as a policy to guide its path and benefit from it. In a world facing complex living conditions with intertwined elements and diversified possibilities, educational planning serves as a fundamental and effective element in progress, development, and enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of individuals.

Strategic planning is a managerial tool used by organizations to improve their performance by focusing their energies, ensuring all employees move towards the same goals, and evaluating and adjusting the organization's direction in response to environmental changes.

The latter half of the twentieth century witnessed an expansion of information areas contributing to all aspects of human life, known as the information wealth. This posed numerous challenges for business organizations in achieving their goals and ensuring their survival and continuity.

The concept of Strategic Information Systems is a contemporary concept evident in the historical evolution of information systems applications in various fields. This concept is associated with facilitating management tasks in conducting strategic planning, extending beyond ongoing operations to evaluate external environmental factors. It focuses on identifying new areas for investment, determining associated opportunities and threats, and providing strategic information. 

Research Problem:
The main problem of the study lies in answering the question, "What is the impact of strategic planning with the management information system on organizational performance?" This leads to several sub-questions:
- What is strategic planning, and what are its benefits?
- What scientific theory underlies strategic planning?
- What is the methodology of strategic planning?
- What are the obstacles to strategic planning?
- What is the concept of organizational performance?

Research Objectives:
The study aims to:
- Understand the concept of strategic planning and its importance.
- Identify the objectives of strategic planning.
- Explore the scientific theory underlying strategic planning.
- Understand the concept of organizational performance.

Research Significance:
The significance of strategic planning for any organization is manifested as a tool in the hands of top management, enabling them to face changes and developments in their environment. It influences the organization's ability to achieve its goals, providing a fundamental basis for management decisions related to the organization's performance.

Scientifically, this study can be considered a source for researchers and students seeking a deeper understanding of strategic planning, management information systems, and their impact on organizational performance. It may serve as a starting point for researchers and those interested in conducting further research in this field.

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