The Impact of Information Technology on Engineering Project Management


The Impact of Information Technology on Engineering Project Management

Raed Mohammed Salem Al-Rahibah presented his research on the impact of information technology on engineering project management at the Gate Academy celebration. 


Information technology and communication have enabled the recording of vast amounts of data on small and easily exchangeable mediums. This technology and its applications have become key factors for growth, propelling civilization forward in a short time and eliminating barriers of time and distance. Information technology and communication have become one of the most important competitive advantages that economic institutions strive to obtain, especially given recent developments in this field.

Construction and engineering are among the vital activities that no society can do without. These activities are considered fundamental industries that support the national economy. The success of any construction project depends primarily on successful management that aligns with the nature and location of the work, as well as the workers. Therefore, it is necessary to coordinate and efficiently utilize all material and human resources, as well as maintain the company or institution in a dynamic balance with internal and external variables by anticipating environmental factors that may have a clear impact on the organization's future.

The contemporary architectural or engineering scene reflects complex civilizational changes and encompasses a number of successive architectural transformations, with significant associations with communication technologies and information technology witnessed globally.

This study seeks to identify the impact of this technology on engineering project management.

Research Problem:

As technology is a combined science and art, we must understand the nature of the technology we work with in order to deal with it correctly. Architecture has transitioned from stone architecture and narrow, limited spaces to evolving horizons over time, with noticeable diversity in construction materials and methods. With the acceleration of the era we live in, the emergence of technology, the ease of accessing information, and the speed of work to keep pace with development, there is an urgent need for continuous monitoring of technology development and how to utilize and direct it to benefit engineering thought.

The main question of the study lies in: "What is the impact of information technology on engineering project management?" 

This main question branches into several sub-questions:

- What is meant by information technology and communication?

- What are the components of information technology?

- What is meant by building information modeling?

- What is project management, and what are its components?

- What are the stages of a project?

- What is engineering management?

- What are the safety measures in project management?

Significance of the Study:

Scientific Significance: This study can be considered a source for researchers and students who want to learn more about the impact of information technology on engineering project management. It could serve as a starting point for researchers and interested parties to conduct further research in this field.

Practical Significance: The study may lead to findings that can contribute to providing recommendations and proposals for company owners, institutions, and their employees.

Study Objectives:

The study aims to identify the impact of information technology on engineering project management by achieving several sub-objectives, including:

- Defining information technology and communication.

- Identifying the components of information technology.

- Understanding building information modeling.

- Defining project management and understanding its components.

- Understanding the stages of a project.

- Defining engineering management.

- Understanding safety measures in project management.

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