The Role of Strategic Management in Enhancing Hospital Performance
"Sara Bint Ghazi Bin Awad Al-Anzi presented her research on the role of strategic management in improving hospital performance at the celebration of Gate Academy:
Due to continuous changes in scientific and technological aspects, there is an urgent need to develop the management style of institutions, companies, and organizations, including hospitals. This development is necessary to keep up with excellent performance that ensures the organization's survival in the market. Speaking specifically about hospitals, they have recently turned to adopting the strategic management approach as a new managerial ideology. Hospitals recognized leadership and the effects of previous applications carried out by other economic companies and organizations.
Strategic management has become the prevailing approach for many business organizations. Traditional or hierarchical management, primarily based on bureaucracy, no longer holds the same status. The introduction of strategic management thinking in hospital management encourages innovation, focuses on quality, and strives for continuous improvement in the face of a competitive environment to achieve objectives.
Strategic management plays an active role in improving the efficiency of hospitals and healthcare institutions, thereby creating a higher level of patient care and providing superior medical services. It relies on a high-quality health technology system, enhancing the competency of the medical staff, and improving the medical equipment used. Connecting strategic management with hospitals has become of utmost importance, helping in developing services and dealing with emergencies.
Research Problem:
Strategic management significantly aids healthcare institutions and hospitals in addressing challenges, developing healthcare systems, and enhancing the efficiency of their staff. Despite these advantages, some hospitals have not yet implemented strategic management, facing certain obstacles. Therefore, the research problem lies in studying the relationship between strategic management and the improvement of hospital performance. The main research question is: What is the role of strategic management in improving hospital performance?
Subsidiary questions branching from the main question include:
What is strategic management?
What are the objectives of strategic management?
How does strategic management help in improving hospital systems?
What is the role of strategic management in developing hospital effectiveness?
Significance of the Study:
The study holds importance for business management studies as it contributes new insights into strategic management and its impact on improving hospital performance and enhancing the competencies of the staff. It serves as a reference for researchers and practitioners interested in applying strategic management in their institutions, providing insights into the foundations of strategic management for project success.
Practical Significance:
The practical significance lies in providing decision-makers, entrepreneurs, and project owners with information and data on strategic management and its impact on hospital performance. This helps them manage healthcare institutions systematically.
Study Objectives:
The research aims to clarify the fundamental principles of strategic management and its impact on improving hospital performance, thereby raising the competencies of the medical staff. The researcher seeks to understand the following:
The concept of strategic management.
The importance of strategic management.
The objectives of strategic management.
Analyze the role of strategic management in improving hospital performance.
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