The role of career path planning in human resource development


The role of career path planning in human resource development

Abdulrahman Raed Youssef Al-Hartanify presented his research on the role of career path planning in human resource development at the celebration of Gate Academy in May.


Career path planning has gained significant importance among modern administrative research and studies. This is attributed to the importance of the human element and its unique nature when compared to other production elements in an organization. This recognition is due to its prominent and central role in developing institutions and working towards achieving their goals.

Contemporary global challenges compel economic organizations to adopt a scientific and conscious approach in facing challenges and utilizing effective human resources to enhance operational performance more efficiently and effectively. Career planning is considered one of the most important modern tools in human resource management. Career path planning contributes to identifying promotion and development directions for all positions within an organization. It also helps determine the human resource needs of the organization in terms of quantity and qualifications. Additionally, it contributes to fulfilling the aspirations of employees regarding overall career development and specific job promotions.

In conclusion, career path planning aims to determine the career path for the promotion of employees within an organization and identify the requirements in terms of qualifications, skills, and capabilities. This contributes to meeting the human resource needs of the organization and improving the overall performance and motivation of employees.

Managing and developing career paths in organizations has become necessary due to changes in the work environment, ensuring that the organization has a sufficient number of qualified and skilled workforce, balancing organizational needs and individual needs.


Research Problem:
Contemporary organizations face numerous challenges and difficulties amid contemporary environmental changes. One of the topics that has garnered the interest of many researchers is career path planning and its impact on human resources within institutions. This interest has increased, especially with recent developments in the nature of work, organizations, and a noticeable change in the perception of human resources.

Therefore, the main question of the study is: "What is the role of career path planning in human resource development?"


Several sub-questions arise from this main question, including:
- What is planning, and what is its importance?
- What is meant by a career path?
- What are the methods of career path planning?
- What is the role of the organization in career path planning?
- What are the means of career path management for human resource development?


Importance of the Study:
Scientific Importance: This study can be considered a source for researchers and scientists who want to learn more about the impact of career path planning on human resource development. This study may serve as a starting point for researchers and enthusiasts to conduct further research in this field.


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